Astro Consultation

Tarot Card

About Tarot Card

Tarot card is an ancient science of knowing the future by picking cards. It has its roots in Egypt, known for its metaphysical and occult knowledge.
Get Tarot Card reading done for free by using the below service provided by Rudra Astro.
For getting The answer to your query, please follow the below process.
1. Think of a question in your mind and keep it clear and as specific as it can be.
2.   Choose 1 or 3 tarot cards from the deck by clicking on them.
3. Now you are Done! Read the result for your reading and use the guidance provided by the tarot cards.


There are four types of Tarot reading.

  • If you have a general question and want a direct result, please select "Single Card Question."
  • If you have a question and you want to know the past, present and future regarding it, Please select "3 Card question."
  • If you have a general question regarding health and want direct results, please select "Card for Health."
  • If you have a general question regarding Love and want a direct result, please select "Card for Love."


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