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Manglik / Mangal Dosha

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Manglik / Mangal Dosha Calculator

In Hindu astrology, Mangal dosha plays a crucial role, and it is the deciding factor in Hindu marriages, especially when matching the birth chart of 2 persons for Marriage. Therefore, a person who is Manglik marrying a non-Manglik partner is terrible.

The mangal dosha is calculated from Lagna and the moon, and to extend from Venus, there are several cancellations of mangal dosha.


What is Mangal Dosha or Kuja Dosha?

Mangal Dosha or Kuja Dosha is an affliction of Mars planet in a person’s birth chart. Mar’s discomfort is one of the most nervous afflictions in Vedic Astrology. Mangal dosha is one of the deciding factors in Marriage because of its severe effects on the marriage relationship and harmony.


Effects of Mangal Dosha / Manglik Dosha:

Mangal dosha has adverse effects on the marriage relationship between the partners. However, the results vary based on the position of Mars planet in particular birth chart houses. A few of them are listed below:

  • Delay in Marriage
  • Problems in Marriage Relationship
  • Be Aggressive and Dominating
  • Disputes with Spouse
  • Health Problems
  • Financial issues


Manglik Dosha Check:

The below Mangal Dosha calculator by date of birth helps you find whether you’re Manglik or not. The Manglik check calculator online do the detailed analysis of your birth chart provides you with the Manglik report.


Remedies for Mangal Dosha Nivaran or Kuja Dosha Nivaran:

If you are Manglik, follow the few simple remedies that help you to decrease the malefic effects of Mars in your life:

  • Worshipping Hanuman Ji on Tuesdays and Saturdays nullifies Malefic Mars. It also helps to please Mangal Graha to gain positive energy from it.
  • Pray to Lord Vishnu by chanting Vishnu sahastranaam to eliminate this Dosha. It is the Strongest way to cure your Mangal dosha.
  • Wear gemstones recommended by an astrologer to strengthen your Mars or its disposition depending upon your birth chart.
  • Visiting the Navagraha Temple and offering brown sugar to Mangal devta Pratima will decrease the adverse effects of Mars.
  • Fasting on Tuesdays will help a lot to decrease the effect of Mangal dosha.
  • Mangal Dosha Shanti Puja can remove Manglik Dosha.
  • In some cases, Kumbh Vivah is recommended by the astrologer to cure your ill-placed Mars. In this, a person has married a Peepal tree with mantras before getting married. It treats believed the tree absolves all the negative influence of Mars.





Manglik Dosha Calculator

Manglik Dosha Calculator

Are you Manglik and dealing with its repercussions? If you are, then Rudra Astrology Center is the perfect place for you. Rudra's amazing Manglik Dosha Calculator is the best thing to use online to get rid of all your problems. If you are asking yourself if Am I Manglik or not, then this simple Manglik calculator will help you in that as well. 

We all know in Hindu astrology, Manglik Dosha is one of the biggest doshas in the Kundali, especially when it concerns marriage. In marriage, while matching the birth charts of 2 persons, checking this dosha is crucial. According to this, a Manglik must not marry a non-Manglik, otherwise, it would be terrible. You can calculate Mangal Dosha in various ways such as from Lagna, Moon, Venus, and the number of cancellations of Mangal dosha. 



What Does Manglik Dosha Mean?

Because of schwa deletion, Mangala Dosha is also known as Mangal Dosh. As per Hindu astrology, a person born under the influence of Mars is said to have "Mangala Dosha". As a result, that person is called Manglik. In Vedic astrology, it is one of the most fearful afflictions. Since Mars is related to marriage and harmony, Manglik Dosha plays a huge role in marriages. 


 Effects Of Manglik Dosha:

When it comes to Manglik Dosha, it is all about marriages and relationships. And, our Manglik dosha cancellation calculator helps you to calculate the severity of it. The effects of Mangalik Dosha basically depend upon the position of Mars planet. Here are some of the effects of Manglik Dosha in people's lives:

  1. Problems in married life
  2. Delay in marriage or in making the relationship
  3. Disputes with spouse and house in general
  4. Health and Financial Problems

 Sometimes, these problems can go on for a long period of time. As a result, this will make your marriage an unhealthy one. But, with Rudra's Mangal dosha calculator by date of birth, you can know the problems and get rid of them easily. Since it creates highly unfavorable circumstances for marriage, one should be prepared with the remedies themselves. 


How To Check Mangal Dosha?

Below this page, you will find the Mangal dosha calculator/Kuja dosha calculator. That calculator will help you to know if you are a Manglik or not. In the calculator, you just need to enter your name, place of birth, time of birth, and date of birth. After that, this Kuja dosha check calculator will help you to get a detailed analysis of your birth chart. And if you are Manglik, you can get straight to the remedies to lead a happy married life. 


Remedies For Manglik Dosha:

As we all know the effects of Manglik Dosha are quite severe. It affects our entire personal life, especially marriage. So, to decrease the terrible effects of Mars in your life, you can follow some of the simple remedies such as:

  1. You can nullify the effects of Mars by worshipping Lord Hanuman on Tuesdays and Saturdays. By doing this, you can gain positive energy because it pleases Mangal Graha.
  2. You can also chant Vishnu Sahastranaam to cure your Mangal Dosha. Undoubtedly, it is one of the strongest cures to get rid of the Kuja Dosha.
  3. Wearing gemstones related to Mars can also help you to cure the Dosha. However, make sure that it is approved by an astrologer.
  4. Offering brown sugar to Mangal Devta Pratima in the Navagraha Temple will also decrease the negative effects of this terrible Dosha.
  5. You can also fast on Tuesdays for the ultimate effect on your Mars.
  6. Also, this Dosha can be removed by Mangal Dosha Shanti Puja.

 Besides that, in some severe cases, astrologers also suggest Kumbh Vivah that cures your ill-placed Mars. According to this ritual, a person gets married to the Peepal tree first. After that, they get married to the actual person. It is believed that by doing this, all the negative energies are soaked by the tree. 


Why Choose Rudra's Mangal Dosha Calculator?

Rudra Astrology Center is the best place to online Manglik check. We help you with the detailed analysis of your Doshas according to your birth chart. With this calculator, you will also get to know if you are a Manglik or not. If yes, then what is the position of Mars with different particular elements. So, use the Mangal Dosha Calculator now and get to know about your Doshas now for free.


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