In Ayurveda there are three types of prakarti(Nature) named Vata, Pitta & kapha. Vata is the synchronization of elements namely space and air. Vata creates movement of energy & other elements in the body it is also connected with nerve impulses in the body. The imbalance of Vata can create no. f diseases in the body like arthritis, constipation, flatulence, tics, twitches, nerve disorders and mental confusion
Kapha or phelgm is one of the prakriti and dosha in Ayurveda. Kalpha is combination of water and earth element and performs the function of binding structure and lubrication in the body. Imbalance of Khapha creates problem in mouth, tongue, nose, respiratory system, stomach, spleen, heart, nails and hair. Major diseases associated with it are Anorexia, Drowsiness, Timidness , heaviness in the body, Lethargy, Weakness, indigestion , Phlegm adhered to the throat , Hardening of the blood vessels & Obesity.