अग्नि पुराण के अनुसार शनि ग्रह की से मुक्ति के लिए "मूल" नक्षत्र युक्त शनिवार से आरंभ करके सात शनिवार शनिदेव की पूजा करनी चाहिए और व्रत करना चाहिए। शनिदेव के बारें में जानने के लिए क्लिक करें:
व्रत कथाएक समय में स्वर्गलोक में सबसे बड़ा कौन के प्रश्न पर नौ ग्रहों में वाद-विवाद हो गया। निर्णय के लिए सभी देवता देवराज इन्द्र के पास पहुंचे और बोले- हे देवराज, आपको निर्णय करना होगा कि हममें से सबसे बड़ा कौन है? देवताओं का प्रश्न सुन इन्द्र उलझन में पड़ गए, फिर उन्होंने सभी को पृथ्वीलोक में राजा विक्रमादित्य के पास चलने का सुझाव दिया।
सभी ग्रह भू-लोक राजा विक्रमादित्य के दरबार में पहुंचे। जब ग्रहों ने अपना प्रश्न राजा विक्रमादित्य से पूछा तो वह भी कुछ देर के लिए परेशान हो उठे क्योंकि सभी ग्रह अपनी-अपनी शक्तियों के कारण महान थे। किसी को भी छोटा या बड़ा कह देने से उनके क्रोध के प्रकोप से भयंकर हानि पहुंच सकती थी।
अचानक राजा विक्रमादित्य को एक उपाय सूझा और उन्होंने विभिन्न धातुओं जैसे सोना, चांदी, कांसा, तांबा, सीसा, रांगा, जस्ता, अभ्रक व लोहे के नौ आसन बनवाएं। सबसे आगे सोना और सबसे पीछे लोहे का आसन रखा गया। उन्होंने सभी देवताओं को अपने-अपने आसन पर बैठने को कहा। उन्होंने कहा- जो जिसका आसन हो ग्रहण करें, जिसका आसन पहले होगा वह सबसे बड़ा तथा जिसका बाद में होगा वह सबसे छोटा होगा।
चूंकि लोहे का आसन सबसे पीछे था इसलिए शनिदेव समझ गए कि राजा ने मुझे सबसे छोटा बना दिया है। इस निर्णय से शनि देव रुष्ट होकर बोले- हे राजन, तुमने मुझे सबसे पीछे बैठाकर मेरा अपमान किया है। तुम मेरी शक्तियों से परिचित नहीं हो।सूर्य एक राशि पर एक महीने, चन्द्रमा दो महीने दो दिन, मंगल डेढ़ महीने, बुध और शुक्र एक महीने, बृहस्पति तेरह महीने रहते हैं, लेकिन मैं किसी भी राशि पर ढ़ाई वर्ष से लेकर साढ़े सात वर्ष तक रहता हूं। बड़े-बड़े देवताओं को मैंने अपने प्रकोप से पीड़ित किया है अब तू भी मेरे प्रकोप से सावधान रहना।
इस पर राजा विक्रमादित्य बोले- जो कुछ भाग्य में होगा देखा जाएगा।
इसके बाद अन्य ग्रहों के देवता तो प्रसन्नता के साथ चले गए, परन्तु शनिदेव बड़े क्रोध के साथ वहां से विदा हुए। कुछ समय बाद जब राजा विक्रमादित्य पर साढ़े साती की दशा आई तो शनिदेव ने घोड़े के व्यापारी का रूप धारण किया और बहुत से घोड़ों के साथ विक्रमादित्य की नगर पहुंचे। राजा विक्रमादित्य उन घोड़ों को देखकर एक अच्छे-से घोड़े को अपनी सवारी के लिए चुनकर उस पर चढ़े। राजा जैसे ही उस घोड़े पर सवार हुए वह बिजली की गति से दौड़ पड़ा। तेजी से दौड़ता हुआ घोड़ा राजा को दूर एक जंगल में ले गया और फिर वहां राजा को गिराकर गायब हो गया। राजा अपने नगर लौटने के लिए जंगल में भटकने लगा पर उसे कोई रास्ता नहीं मिला। राजा को भूख प्यास लग आई। बहुत घूमने पर उन्हें एक चरवाहा मिला। राजा ने उससे पानी मांगा। पानी पीकर राजा ने उस चरवाहे को अपनी अंगूठी दे दी और उससे रास्ता पूछकर जंगल से निकलकर पास के नगर में चल दिए।
नगर पहुंच कर राजा एक सेठ की दुकान पर बैठ गए। राजा के कुछ देर दुकान पर बैठने से सेठ की बहुत बिक्री हुई। सेठ ने राजा को भाग्यवान समझा और उसे अपने घर भोजन पर ले गया। सेठ के घर में सोने का एक हार खूंटी पर लटका हुआ था। राजा को उस कमरे में छोड़कर सेठ कुछ देर के लिए बाहर चला गया। तभी एक आश्चर्यजनक घटना घटी। राजा के देखते-देखते खूंटी सोने के उस हार को निगल गई। सेठ ने जब हार गायब देखा तो उसने चोरी का संदेह राजा पर किया और अपने नौकरों से कहा कि इस परदेशी को रस्सियों से बांधकर नगर के राजा के पास ले चलो। राजा ने विक्रमादित्य से हार के बारे में पूछा तो उन्होंने बताया कि खूंटी ने हार को निगल लिया। इस पर राजा क्रोधित हुए और उन्होंने चोरी करने के अपराध में विक्रमादित्य के हाथ-पांव काटने का आदेश दे दिया। सैनिकों ने राजा विक्रमादित्य के हाथ-पांव काट कर उन्हें सड़क पर छोड़ दिया।
कुछ दिन बाद एक तेली उन्हें उठाकर अपने घर ले गया और उसे कोल्हू पर बैठा दिया। राजा आवाज देकर बैलों को हांकता रहता। इस तरह तेली का बैल चलता रहा और राजा को भोजन मिलता रहा। शनि के प्रकोप की साढ़े साती पूरी होने पर वर्षा ऋतु प्रारंभ हुई। एक रात विक्रमादित्य मेघ मल्हार गा रहा था, तभी नगर की राजकुमारी मनभावनी रथ पर सवार उस घर के पास से गुजरी। उसने मल्हार सुना तो उसे अच्छा लगा और दासी को भेजकर गाने वाले को बुला लाने को कहा। दासी लौटकर राजकुमारी को अपंग राजा के बारे में सब कुछ बता दिया। राजकुमारी उसके मेघ मल्हार से बहुत मोहित हुई और सब कुछ जानते हुए भी उसने अपंग राजा से विवाह करने का निश्चय किया।
राजकुमारी ने अपने माता-पिता से जब यह बात कही तो वह हैरान रह गए। उन्होंने उसे बहुत समझाया पर राजकुमारी ने अपनी जिद नहीं छोड़ी और प्राण त्याग देने का निश्चय कर लिया। आखिरकार राजा-रानी को विवश होकर अपंग विक्रमादित्य से राजकुमारी का विवाह करना पड़ा। विवाह के बाद राजा विक्रमादित्य और राजकुमारी तेली के घर में रहने लगे। उसी रात स्वप्न में शनिदेव ने राजा से कहा- राजा तुमने मेरा प्रकोप देख लिया। मैंने तुम्हें अपने अपमान का दंड दिया है। राजा ने शनिदेव से क्षमा करने को कहा और प्रार्थना की- हे शनिदेव, आपने जितना दुःख मुझे दिया है, अन्य किसी को न देना।
शनिदेव ने कहा- राजन, मैं तुम्हारी प्रार्थना स्वीकार करता हूं। जो कोई स्त्री-पुरुष मेरी पूजा करेगा, कथा सुनेगा, जो नित्य ही मेरा ध्यान करेगा, चींटियों को आटा खिलाएगा वह सभी प्रकार के कष्टों से मुक्त होता रहेगा तथा उसके सब मनोरथ पूर्ण होंगे। यह कहकर शनिदेव अंतर्ध्यान हो गए।
प्रातःकाल राजा विक्रमादित्य की नींद खुली तो अपने हाथ-पांव देखकर राजा को बहुत खुशी हुई। उन्होंने मन ही मन शनिदेव को प्रणाम किया। राजकुमारी भी राजा के हाथ-पांव सलामत देखकर आश्चर्य में डूब गई। तब राजा विक्रमादित्य ने अपना परिचय देते हुए शनिदेव के प्रकोप की सारी कहानी सुनाई।
इधर सेठ को जब इस बात का पता चला तो दौड़ता हुआ आया और राजा विक्रमादित्य के चरणों में गिरकर क्षमा मांगने लगा। राजा विक्रमादित्य ने उसे क्षमा कर दिया क्योंकि वह जानते थे कि यह सब तो शनिदेव के प्रकोप के कारण हुआ था। सेठ राजा विक्रमादित्य को पुन: को अपने घर ले गया और उसे भोजन कराया। भोजन करते समय वहां एक आश्चर्य घटना घटी। सबके देखते-देखते उस खूंटी ने हार उगल दिया। सेठ ने अपनी बेटी का विवाह भी राजा के साथ कर दिया और बहुत से स्वर्ण आभूषण, धन आदि देकर राजा को विदा किया।
राजा विक्रमादित्य राजकुमारी मनभावनी और सेठ की बेटी के साथ अपने नगर वापस पहुंचे तो नगरवासियों ने हर्ष के साथ उनका स्वागत किया। अगले दिन राजा विक्रमादित्य ने पूरे राज्य में घोषणा कराई कि शनिदेव सब ग्रहों में सर्वश्रेष्ठ हैं। प्रत्येक स्त्री-पुरुष शनिवार को उनका व्रत करें और व्रतकथा अवश्य सुनें। राजा विक्रमादित्य की घोषणा से शनिदेव बहुत प्रसन्न हुए। शनिवार का व्रत करने और व्रत कथा सुनने से शनिदेव की अनुकंपा बनी रहती है और जातक के सभी दुख दूर होते हैं। अन्य व्रत कथा पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करें:
One Time All Navagrahas: Sun, Chandra, Mars, Buddha, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu sparked controversy as to who is the largest among them? Everyone started fighting among themselves, and when no decision was made, Devraj came to Indra to make a decision. Indra was frightened by this, and expressed his inability to give this decision. But he said that at this time there is King Vikramaditya on earth, who is very judicious. Only they can decide this. All the planets together reached King Vikramaditya, and stated their dispute. Also asked for decision. The king became very concerned with this problem, because he knew that whoever told him to be small, he would become angry. Then the king thought of a solution. He made nine thrones with gold, silver, bronze, brass, lead, ranga, zinc, asbestos and iron, and placed them in that order. Then he requested all of you to take a seat on your throne. Who will sit on the last throne, He will be the youngest. According to this, due to the Iron Throne being the earliest, Shani Dev sat in the latter. So they are called the youngest. They thought that the king had done this on purpose. He got angry and said to the king, "King! You do not know me Sun moves in one month, Moon one and a quarter to two months, Mars month and month, Jupiter thirteen months, and Buddha and Venus rotate one month. But I live for two and a half to seven and a half years. I have destroyed big elders. He got exiled when Shri Ram's half-and-half came, his Lanka was defeated by the army of monkeys when Ravana came. Now you be careful. Saying this, Shanidev went away from there. The other gods happily went away. After some time the king's half-and-half came. Then Shani Dev came there as a horse trader. He had many fine horses with him. The king, hearing this news, ordered his ashwalpala to buy good horses. He bought many good horses and gave one of the best horses to the king for a ride. As soon as the king sat on it, the horse ran towards the gallop forest, reached the Bhishn forest, he became impassioned, and the king wandered hungry thirsty. Then a cowboy made him drink water. The king was pleased and gave him his ring. He gave the ring and went to Raja Nagar, and there he named his name Vika, a resident of Ujjain. He drank water etc. in a Seth shop there. And took some rest. Luckily Seth got a big sale that day. Seth was happy to get him food etc. and took him home with him. There he saw on a peg, that a necklace is hanging, The peg is swallowing. The whole necklace was missing in a while. Seth then noticed that the necklace was missing. He understood that Vika had stolen him. He catches Vika near Kotwal. Then the king also got him a thief and got his hands and feet chopped off. He became Chowringia and was thrown out of the city. A Teli was coming from there, who felt pity, and seated Vika in his car. He started stalking the bulls with his tongue. The Saturn condition of that period king ended. When the rainy season came, he started singing Malhar. Then he loved the princess Manabhavani in the town where he was, so much that he made up his mind, that she would marry the person who is singing the raga. He sent Maid to search. Maid told that she is a Chowringia. But the princess did not listen. As soon as she woke up from the very next day, she sat on hunger strike, that if she would get married to him. Even when she did not agree to explain him a lot, the king sent that oil, And asked to prepare for the marriage. Then he got married to the princess. Then one day in a sleeping dream, Shanidev said to the king: Rajan, you have seen how much suffering I have suffered by telling me a little. Then the king apologized to them, and prayed, O Lord, do not give anyone else the kind of sorrow I have given to you. Shanidev agreed, and said: Whoever will tell my story and fast, will not feel any sorrow in my condition. The person who will always meditate on me, and pour flour to the ants, will have all his desires fulfilled. At the same time, the king also gave back his hands and feet When the princess saw her eyes open in the morning, she was surprised. Vika tells him that he is King Vikramaditya of Ujjain. Everyone was very happy. When Seth heard it, he fell on his feet and started apologizing. The king said that he was the wrath of Shanidev. There is no fault of anyone in this. Seth still pleaded, That I will get peace only when you walk and eat at my house. Seth welcomed the king with a variety of dishes at his home. At the same time everyone saw that the peg that had swallowed the necklace was now spewing it out. Seth thanked the king by giving many pieces, and requested his daughter Srikavani to go for eclipse. The king gladly accepted. After some time, the king took both his queens Manabhavani and Srikavani along with all the refreshments and went to the city of Ujjain. The people there welcomed him on the border. Deepmala took place all over the city, and everyone celebrated. The king announced that I had told Shani Dev as the youngest, whereas in reality he is paramount. Since then, the worship and story of Shani Dev began to be regularized throughout the state. All the subjects spent a lot of time with happiness and joy. Whoever hears or reads this story of Shani Dev, all his sorrows disappear. This story must be read on the day of fasting. All his sorrows go away. This story must be read on the day of fasting. All his sorrows go away. This story must be read on the day of fasting. All his sorrows go away. This story must be read on the day of fasting. All his sorrows go away. This story must be read on the day of fasting. That the peg that had swallowed the necklace was now spewing it out. Seth thanked the king by giving many pieces, and requested his daughter Srikavani to go for eclipse. The king gladly accepted. After some time, the king took both his queens Manabhavani and Srikavani along with all the refreshments and went to the city of Ujjain. The people there welcomed him on the border. Deepmala took place all over the city, and everyone celebrated. The king announced that I had told Shani Dev as the youngest, whereas in reality he is paramount. Since then, the worship and story of Shani Dev began to be regularized throughout the state. All the subjects spent a lot of time with happiness and joy. Whoever hears or reads this story of Shani Dev, all his sorrows disappear. This story must be read on the day of fasting. That the peg that had swallowed the necklace was now spewing it out. Seth thanked the king by giving many pieces, and requested his daughter Srikavani to go for eclipse. The king gladly accepted. After some time, the king took both his queens Manabhavani and Srikavani along with all the refreshments and went to the city of Ujjain. The people there welcomed him on the border. Deepmala took place all over the city, and everyone celebrated. The king announced that I had told Shani Dev as the youngest, whereas in reality he is paramount. Since then, the worship and story of Shani Dev began to be regularized throughout the state. All the subjects spent a lot of time with happiness and joy. Whoever hears or reads this story of Shani Dev, all his sorrows disappear. This story must be read on the day of fasting. And requested his daughter Shrikavari to receive eclipse. The king gladly accepted. After some time, the king took both his queens Manabhavani and Srikavani along with all the refreshments and went to the city of Ujjain. The people there welcomed him on the border. Deepmala took place all over the city, and everyone celebrated. The king announced that I had told Shani Dev as the youngest, whereas in reality he is paramount. Since then, the worship and story of Shani Dev began to be regularized throughout the state. All the subjects spent a lot of time with happiness and joy. Whoever hears or reads this story of Shani Dev, all his sorrows disappear. This story must be read on the day of fasting. And requested his daughter Shrikavari to receive eclipse. The king gladly accepted. After some time, the king took both his queens Manabhavani and Srikavani along with all the refreshments and went to the city of Ujjain. The people there welcomed him on the border. Deepmala took place all over the city, and everyone celebrated. The king announced that I had told Shani Dev as the youngest, whereas in reality he is paramount. Since then, the worship and story of Shani Dev began to be regularized throughout the state. All the subjects spent a lot of time with happiness and joy. Whoever hears or reads this story of Shani Dev, all his sorrows disappear. This story must be read on the day of fasting. That I had told Shani Dev as the youngest, whereas in reality he is paramount. Since then, the worship and story of Shani Dev began to be regularized throughout the state. All the subjects spent a lot of time with happiness and joy. Whoever hears or reads this story of Shani Dev, all his sorrows disappear. This story must be read on the day of fasting. That I had told Shani Dev as the youngest, whereas in reality he is paramount. Since then, the worship and story of Shani Dev began to be regularized throughout the state. All the subjects spent a lot of time with happiness and joy. Whoever hears or reads this story of Shani Dev, all his sorrows disappear. This story must be read on the day of fasting.
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