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Papankusha Ekadashi Vrat Katha

The Ekadashi of the Shukla Paksha of Ashwin month is called Papankusha Ekadashi. Lord Shiva himself told Dharmaraj Yudhishtir the significance of this Ekadashi.

कथा प्राचीन काल में विंध्य पर्वत पर 'क्रोधन' नामक एक महाक्रूर बहेलिया रहता था। उसने अपनी सारी ज़िंदगी, हिंसा, लूट-पाट, मद्यपान तथा मिथ्या भाषण आदि में व्यतीत कर दी। जब जीवन का अंतिम समय आया, तब यमराज ने अपने दूतों से कहा कि वे क्रोधन को ले आयें। यमदूतों ने क्रोधन को बता दिया कि कल तेरा अंतिम दिन है। मृत्यु के भय से भयभीत वह बहेलिया महर्षि अंगिरा की शरण में उनके आश्रम जा पहुँचा। महर्षि ने उसके अनुनय-विनय से प्रसन्न होकर उस पर कृपा करके उसे अगले दिन ही आने वाली आश्विन शुक्ल एकादशी का विधिपूर्वक व्रत करने को कहा। इस प्रकार वह महापातकी व्याध पापांकुशा एकादशी का व्रत-पूजन कर भगवान की कृपा से विष्णु लोक को गया। उधर यमदूत इस चमत्कार को देख हाथ मलते रह गए और बिना क्रोधन के यमलोक वापस लौट गए।

As per the legend, there was a hunter named Krodhana who was very cruel and unkind. The hunter used to live on the Vindhyachal mountains and was highly involved in performing evil deeds and bad sins throughout his life. No one could ever teach him to spend a peaceful life. When years passed and Krodhana became old, he started getting scared about his death. He was extremely worried regarding the pain he would suffer after death because of his sins and evil deeds.

To make up for his past deeds and sins, Krodhana approached a renowned sage Angira who used to live in a forest. He sought help from the sage and asked him to find the way by which he can get relieved from all his sins. To this, the sage guided the hunter to observe a fast of Papankusha Ekadashi which takes place in Ashwin month and falls during Shukla Paksha. Krodhana performed all the rituals and also observe a Papankusha Ekadashi Vrat as explained by the sage. The hunter got the blessings of Lord Vishnu and was relieved from all his past evil deeds and thus attained salvation. Since that time, devotees observe a fast and perform puja rituals to eliminate the past sins and achieve salvation.

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