गुरुवार व्रत की विधि:
गुरुवार की पूजा विधि-विधान के अनुसार की जानी चाहिए. व्रत वाले दिन सुबह उठकर बृहस्पति देव का पूजन करना चाहिए. बृहस्पति देव का पूजन पीली वस्तुएं, पीले फूल, चने की दाल, मुनक्का, पीली मिठाई, पीले चावल और हल्दी चढ़ाकर किया जाता है. इस व्रत में केले के पेड़ की का पूजा की जाती है. कथा और पूजन के समय मन, कर्म और वचन से शुद्ध होकर मनोकामना पूर्ति के लिए बृहस्पतिदेव से प्रार्थना करनी चाहिए.
जल में हल्दी डालकर केले के पेड़ पर चढ़ाएं. केले की जड़ में चने की दाल और मुनक्का चढ़ाएं साथ ही दीपक जलाकर पेड़ की आरती उतारें. दिन में एक समय ही भोजन करें. खाने में चने की दाल या पीली चीजें खाएं, नमक न खाएं, पीले वस्त्र पहनें, पीले फलों का इस्तेमाल करें. पूजन के बाद भगवान बृहस्पति की कथा सुननी चाहिए.
गुरुवार व्रत की कथा:
प्राचीन काल की बात है. किसी राज्य में एक बड़ा प्रतापी और दानी राजा राज करता था. वह प्रत्येक गुरुवार को व्रत रखता एवं भूखे और गरीबों को दान देकर पुण्य प्राप्त करता था, परंतु यह बात उसकी रानी को अच्छी नहीं लगती थी. वह न तो व्रत करती थी, न ही किसी को एक भी पैसा दान में देती थी और राजा को भी ऐसा करने से मना करती थी.
एक समय की बात है, राजा शिकार खेलने के लिए वन चले गए थे. घर पर रानी और दासी थी. उसी समय गुरु बृहस्पतिदेव साधु का रूप धारण कर राजा के दरवाजे पर भिक्षा मांगने आए. साधु ने जब रानी से भिक्षा मांगी तो वह कहने लगी, हे साधु महाराज, मैं इस दान और पुण्य से तंग आ गई हूं. आप कोई ऐसा उपाय बताएं, जिससे कि सारा धन नष्ट हो जाए और मैं आराम से रह सकूं.
बृहस्पतिदेव ने कहा, हे देवी, तुम बड़ी विचित्र हो, संतान और धन से कोई दुखी होता है. अगर अधिक धन है तो इसे शुभ कार्यों में लगाओ, कुंवारी कन्याओं का विवाह कराओ, विद्यालय और बाग-बगीचे का निर्माण कराओ, जिससे तुम्हारे दोनों लोक सुधरें. परंतु साधु की इन बातों से रानी को खुशी नहीं हुई. उसने कहा कि मुझे ऐसे धन की आवश्यकता नहीं है, जिसे मैं दान दूं और जिसे संभालने में मेरा सारा समय नष्ट हो जाए.
तब साधु ने कहा- यदि तुम्हारी ऐसी इच्छा है तो मैं जैसा तुम्हें बताता हूं तुम वैसा ही करना. गुरुवार के दिन तुम घर को गोबर से लीपना, अपने केशों को पीली मिटटी से धोना, केशों को धोते समय स्नान करना, राजा से हजामत बनाने को कहना, भोजन में मांस मदिरा खाना, कपड़ा धोबी के यहां धुलने डालना. इस प्रकार सात बृहस्पतिवार करने से तुम्हारा समस्त धन नष्ट हो जाएगा. इतना कहकर साधु रुपी बृहस्पतिदेव अंतर्ध्यान हो गए.
साधु के अनुसार कही बातों को पूरा करते हुए रानी को केवल तीन बृहस्पतिवार ही बीते थे कि उसकी समस्त धन-संपत्ति नष्ट हो गई. भोजन के लिए राजा का परिवार तरसने लगा. तब एक दिन राजा ने रानी से बोला कि हे रानी, तुम यहीं रहो, मैं दूसरे देश को जाता हूं, क्योंकि यहां पर सभी लोग मुझे जानते हैं. इसलिए मैं कोई छोटा कार्य नहीं कर सकता. ऐसा कहकर राजा परदेश चला गया. वहां वह जंगल से लकड़ी काटकर लाता और शहर में बेचता. इस तरह वह अपना जीवन व्यतीत करने लगा. इधर, राजा के परदेश जाते ही रानी और दासी दुखी रहने लगी.
एक बार जब रानी और दासी को सात दिन तक बिना भोजन के रहना पड़ा, तो रानी ने अपनी दासी से कहा- हे दासी, पास ही के नगर में मेरी बहन रहती है. वह बड़ी धनवान है. तू उसके पास जा और कुछ ले आ, ताकि थोड़ी-बहुत गुजर-बसर हो जाए. दासी रानी की बहन के पास गई.
उस दिन गुरुवार था और रानी की बहन उस समय बृहस्पतिवार व्रत की कथा सुन रही थी. दासी ने रानी की बहन को अपनी रानी का संदेश दिया, लेकिन रानी की बड़ी बहन ने कोई उत्तर नहीं दिया. जब दासी को रानी की बहन से कोई उत्तर नहीं मिला तो वह बहुत दुखी हुई और उसे क्रोध भी आया. दासी ने वापस आकर रानी को सारी बात बता दी. सुनकर रानी ने अपने भाग्य को कोसा. उधर, रानी की बहन ने सोचा कि मेरी बहन की दासी आई थी, परंतु मैं उससे नहीं बोली, इससे वह बहुत दुखी हुई होगी.
कथा सुनकर और पूजन समाप्त करके वह अपनी बहन के घर आई और कहने लगी- हे बहन, मैं बृहस्पतिवार का व्रत कर रही थी. तुम्हारी दासी मेरे घर आई थी परंतु जब तक कथा होती है, तब तक न तो उठते हैं और न ही बोलते हैं, इसलिए मैं नहीं बोली. कहो दासी क्यों गई थी.
रानी बोली- बहन, तुमसे क्या छिपाऊं, हमारे घर में खाने तक को अनाज नहीं था. ऐसा कहते-कहते रानी की आंखें भर आई. उसने दासी समेत पिछले सात दिनों से भूखे रहने तक की बात अपनी बहन को विस्तारपूर्वक सूना दी. रानी की बहन बोली- देखो बहन, भगवान बृहस्पतिदेव सबकी मनोकामना को पूर्ण करते हैं. देखो, शायद तुम्हारे घर में अनाज रखा हो.
पहले तो रानी को विश्वास नहीं हुआ पर बहन के आग्रह करने पर उसने अपनी दासी को अंदर भेजा तो उसे सचमुच अनाज से भरा एक घड़ा मिल गया. यह देखकर दासी को बड़ी हैरानी हुई. दासी रानी से कहने लगी- हे रानी, जब हमको भोजन नहीं मिलता तो हम व्रत ही तो करते हैं, इसलिए क्यों न इनसे व्रत और कथा की विधि पूछ ली जाए, ताकि हम भी व्रत कर सकें. तब रानी ने अपनी बहन से बृहस्पतिवार व्रत के बारे में पूछा.
उसकी बहन ने बताया, बृहस्पतिवार के व्रत में चने की दाल और मुनक्का से विष्णु भगवान का केले की जड़ में पूजन करें तथा दीपक जलाएं, व्रत कथा सुनें और पीला भोजन ही करें. इससे बृहस्पतिदेव प्रसन्न होते हैं. व्रत और पूजन विधि बताकर रानी की बहन अपने घर को लौट गई.
सात दिन के बाद जब गुरुवार आया, तो रानी और दासी ने व्रत रखा. घुड़साल में जाकर चना और गुड़ लेकर आईं. फिर उससे केले की जड़ तथा विष्णु भगवान का पूजन किया. अब पीला भोजन कहां से आए इस बात को लेकर दोनों बहुत दुखी थे. चूंकि उन्होंने व्रत रखा था इसलिए बृहस्पतिदेव उनसे प्रसन्न थे. इसलिए वे एक साधारण व्यक्ति का रूप धारण कर दो थालों में सुन्दर पीला भोजन दासी को दे गए. भोजन पाकर दासी प्रसन्न हुई और फिर रानी के साथ मिलकर भोजन ग्रहण किया.
उसके बाद वे सभी गुरुवार को व्रत और पूजन करने लगी. बृहस्पति भगवान की कृपा से उनके पास फिर से धन-संपत्ति आ गई, परंतु रानी फिर से पहले की तरह आलस्य करने लगी. तब दासी बोली- देखो रानी, तुम पहले भी इस प्रकार आलस्य करती थी, तुम्हें धन रखने में कष्ट होता था, इस कारण सभी धन नष्ट हो गया और अब जब भगवान बृहस्पति की कृपा से धन मिला है तो तुम्हें फिर से आलस्य होता है.
रानी को समझाते हुए दासी कहती है कि बड़ी मुसीबतों के बाद हमने यह धन पाया है, इसलिए हमें दान-पुण्य करना चाहिए, भूखे मनुष्यों को भोजन कराना चाहिए, और धन को शुभ कार्यों में खर्च करना चाहिए, जिससे तुम्हारे कुल का यश बढ़ेगा, स्वर्ग की प्राप्ति होगी और पित्र प्रसन्न होंगे. दासी की बात मानकर रानी अपना धन शुभ कार्यों में खर्च करने लगी, जिससे पूरे नगर में उसका यश फैलने लगा.
बृहस्पतिवार व्रत कथा के बाद श्रद्धा के साथ आरती की जानी चाहिए. इसके बाद प्रसाद बांटकर उसे ग्रहण करना चाहिए.
It is a matter of ancient times. In India, a king ruled. He was very majestic and generous. He always helped the poor and the Brahmins. He used to go to the temple every day to see saffron, but his queen did not like it. She neither donated to the poor and never worshiped God and even forbade the king to do so.
One day when the king went to the forest to hunt, the queen and the maid were alone in the palace. At the same time, Brihaspati Dev went to the king's palace disguised as a beggar and asked for alms, the queen refused to give alms and said, "O Sadhu Maharaj, I am fed up with charity." My husband is very much for this task, now you should please such a way that all the money is destroyed and I can live comfortably. The monk said - Goddess you are very strange. No one is unhappy with money, children. Everyone wants him. The sinner also wishes for a son and money. If you have more money, then provide food to the hungry humans. Offer pyao, donate it to the Brahmins, build a well pond, garden, garden, etc. Build a temple, make a school, Dharamshala and donate it. Marry virgins of poor people, as well as perform sacrifices, and spend your money in auspicious works. By doing this, your name will be meaningful in the hereafter and you will get heaven. But his words did not have any effect on the queen. She said- Maharaj, I do not need such money, which I donate to other people, and in which keeping and handling will destroy all my time, now you please make such a way that all the money is destroyed and I can live comfortably. The monk replied that if you have such a desire, then you do as I tell you. Wash the house with cow dung on Thursday, wash your cases with yellow soil, take a bath while washing the cases, tell the king to make it shave, eat the meat in the food, put the cloth in the washerwash, destroy all your money in seven Thursday Will go. Saying so, that Sadhu Maharaj entered from there.]] By doing this, all your wealth will be destroyed on Thursday. Saying so, that Sadhu Maharaj entered from there.]] By doing this, all your wealth will be destroyed on Thursday. Saying so, that Sadhu Maharaj entered from there.]] By doing this, all your wealth will be destroyed on Thursday. Saying so, that Sadhu Maharaj entered from there.]] By doing this, all your wealth will be destroyed on Thursday. Saying so, that Sadhu Maharaj entered from there.]] By doing this, all your wealth will be destroyed on Thursday. Saying so, that Sadhu Maharaj entered from there.]] By doing this, all your wealth will be destroyed on Thursday. Saying so, that Sadhu Maharaj entered from there.]] By doing this, all your wealth will be destroyed on Thursday. Saying so, that Sadhu Maharaj entered from there.]] By doing this, all your wealth will be destroyed on Thursday. Saying so, that Sadhu Maharaj entered from there.]]
The queen did the same as he had gone by calling her a monk. It was only on Thursday that all his wealth was destroyed and both started craving for food. Started unhappy with worldly pleasures. Then he started saying to the king Rani that you stay here, I should go to another country because everyone knows me here, so no one can work. The king went abroad after stating that the country is like a foreign land beggar. He used to go to the forest there and cut wood and sell it in the city, thus living life.
Here, the queen and the maid continue to be unhappy without the king. Someday I would get food and someday I would stay after drinking water. At one time when the queen and the maidens had to stay without food for seven days, the queen said to her maid, O maid. My sister lives in a nearby city. She is very rich. You come to him and ask for 5 seers to be able to live a little for a while.
Maid went to the queen's sister. It was Thursday on that day. The queen's sister was listening to the story of Thursday. The maid conveyed her queen's message to the queen's sister, but the queen's sister did not reply. When the maid did not get any reply from the queen's sister, she was very sad. He also got angry. Maid came back and told the queen everything. Hearing, where is the maid, the queen has no fault in it, when bad days come, then there is no support, the good and bad are found in the calamity which will be the will of God. All this is the fault of our destiny. Saying all this, the queen cursed her fate. On the other hand, the queen's sister thought that my sister's maid was a slave, but I did not speak to her, it would make her very sad. Hearing the story and ending the worship, she went to her sister's house and said, O sister. I was fasting on Thursday. Your maid was gone, but as long as there is a story, Till then neither get up nor speak, that's why I did not speak. Say, why did the maid come?
Rani Boli, sister. There was no grain in our house. Saying this, the queen's eyes filled with tears. He also told his sister about starving for seven days, including the maidens. That is why I sent the maid to you to take five seers. Look at the sister's sister, look sister. Lord Jupiterdev fulfills everyone's wishes. Look, maybe you have grains in your house. At first, the queen did not believe, but at the request of her sister, she sent the maid inside. She went inside the house and found a pot full of iridescence. He was very surprised because he had seen a pot before. He came out and told the queen. The maid said to the queen, O queen. When we do not get food, then we fast, so why not ask them about the fast and the method of the story, we will also fast. On the maid's request, the queen asked her sister about Thursday's fast. His sister said, In the fast on Thursday, worship Lord Vishnu with gram lentils, jaggery and dry grapes, in the root of the banana tree and light a lamp and listen to the story. Eat at the same time that day, eat yellow foods. This makes the Guru God happy, gives food, sons and money. Fulfills wishes The queen's sister returned to her house after explaining the method of fasting and worship.
Both the queen and the maid decided that Vrihaspati Dev would worship God. Seven days later, when he came on Thursday, he fasted. Going to the mews, he brought gram and jaggery bean and worshiped Lord Vishnu with banana root and pulses. Now where should the yellow food come from. Both are very sad. But he had fasted, so Lord Jupiter Dev was pleased. As an ordinary person, he brought beautiful yellow food in two plates and said to the maid, O maid. This food is for you and your queen, you both accept it. Maid was very happy to get food. He told the queen, let's go queen Have a meal, but the queen did not know anything about the arrival of food, so she said go eat it because you make us laugh in vain. Then the maid said that a person has given food, then the queen said that that person has given food for you only you should eat. Then the maid said that that person has given beautiful yellow food in two plates for both of us, so both I and you will eat together. The queen was very happy to hear this. Then both of them saluted Guru Bhagwan and started the meal.
Since then, she began to fast and worship Guru Bhagavan on every Thursday. By the grace of Lord Jupiter they got riches. But the queen then started to laziness as before. Then the maid said, look queen. Even earlier you used to be lazy in this way, you used to have trouble keeping money, due to which all the money was destroyed. Now you have got laziness by the grace of Guru God, then you are lazy. We have got this money after a lot of troubles, so we should do charity. Now you should provide food to hungry humans, make pyao, donate it to Brahmins, build a well pond, garden, garden, etc. Build a temple, make a dharamshala, make a donation, marry virgins of the poor, as well as perform Yajna, etc., work your money in auspicious works. Spend it. When your clan's fame increases and you get heaven and fathers are happy. The queen started doing auspicious deeds by obeying the maid. His fame started spreading.
One day the queen and the maid started thinking among themselves that in which case the king would not know, there is no news of their discovery. He prayed fervently to the Guru (Vrihaspati) God that the king should return wherever he is, on the same night, Jupiter Dev told the king in his dream that, O king, wake up, your queen remembers you to return to your country. The king woke up in the morning and walked towards the forest to cut wood from the forest. While passing through the forest, I started wondering why he had to suffer so much suffering and had to leave the Rajpat and come and live in the forest and cut wood from the forest and sell it in the city. And remembering his condition, he started getting distraught. At the same time Vrihaspitadeva came to the king in the guise of the monk and said, O woodcutter. In what concern are you sitting in this deserted forest, Tell me Hearing this, the king's eyes filled with water. The king narrated his entire story after praying to the monk. Mahatmas are kind. They said to the king, O king, your wife had committed a crime against Brihaspatidev, due to which your condition happened. Now don't worry, God will give you more money than before. Look, your wife has started the fast on Thursday. Now you also worship Lord Vishnu in the root of banana tree with gram dal jaggery and dry grapes in the fast on Thursday and light a lamp and listen to the story. Eat at the same time on that day. Eat yellow foods. God will fulfill all your wishes. The king said after listening to the monk, O God. There is not much money left by selling wood, so that I can save some after meals. I have seen my queen distraught at night. I have no means, So that I can know his news. Then I do not know what story I tell. The monk said, O king. Decide the worship of Lord Jupiter in the mind. They themselves will make a path for you. On the day of Thursday, you go to the city with wood as usual. You will get double the amount of money from every day, by which you will eat well and the goods of the worship of Vrihaspati Dev will also come.
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Address - Shop No. 28, GF, TDI Business Centre, TDI CITY 1, Sector 117, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar, Punjab 140301
Phone No. - 9501045441, 9501570909
E-mail - sumedh666@gmail.com
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